To Kiss or Not to Kiss…

The kiss tasted like…nothing. Forget that crap the movies and novels tell you about kisses tasting like vanilla, strawberries or even zobo. This one tasted like none of them. And for the first time in her life, nothing actually tasted sweet.
She’d imagined this moment many times but by God, she hadn’t imagined it would be this good. She might not have locked lips with that many people but seriously she wasn’t one to lose her head over a single kiss so she was pretty sure this one was darling.
It wasn’t one of those sloppy kisses where there’s more saliva than even lips. It was…oh…it was pure heaven. In life, she hadn’t had many guilty pleasures moment but this was definitely going to be filed in her Guilty Pleasures Book of Records.
You know how you know you’re not supposed to do something but you want to so bad that you just do it? That’s guilty pleasure otherwise known as fleshly desires. Oh she was so fleshy right now because it seemed her brain had momentarily stopped working while her heart was pounding like crazy.
She’d often wondered why people kissed with eyes closed, wondered what it’d be like if she tried it with open eyes. Now she knew why, kissing needs concentration to enjoy its impact, with your eyes open you might be distracted and thereby lose the magic in the moment. What is beautiful about kissing? Maybe the intimacy it brings, you’re indirectly telling this ‘someone’ that “I trust you enough to let you invade my space and get in my mouth.”

In a time before now, kissing was a very big deal. You couldn’t go about kissing anyone without making some sort of commitment to them, and by commitment I mean marriage. Yes, it was that sacred. So when, when did it become something so random that a dude you’ve known for like five minutes has the guts to request a kiss? Seriously, you actually expect me to lock my precious lips with you? Okay, I can give you ten reasons why I should not, here goes:
Number one erm…Ebola is real Yes. Why should I trust your lips in these times that we are in? If Patrick Sawyer could do it, ehen…who are you?
Number two; what if your mouth stinks? Yes, you might have brushed but have you eaten? Don’t you know that not eating and not talking can cause your mouth to smell? Or have you checked if you have a natural mouth odour that doesn’t go the heck away no matter how many times you brush?
Number three; what if you’re a terrible kisser and you do the whole saliva thingy and leave my face all wet and smelly? Eeew
Okay, let me stop here. Seriously, don’t these thoughts ever cross anyone’s mind anymore? So, for guys who go about randomly requesting kisses from girls they barely know…seriously you should consider this.
And I’m wondering when kissing became an obsession with this generation. A six year old kid knows what it means to kiss a girl, seriously? When I was six I didn’t even know that there was a difference between boys and girls! (okay, so maybe that’s not entirely true). But you get the drift. I think at the rate our world is going, soon; sex education will start from when our babies are still in the womb because it’s a crazy world out there.
I have even forgotten what this rant was about sef, but basically eh…it’d be a lie for anyone to tell you that kissing ain’t a big deal. If it wasn’t, why don’t you kiss every dude or dudette you come in contact with? Why be selective?
It is a big deal! There’s more to it than just exchange of broth and locking of lips. Why do you think the sex workers take exception to kissing their clients on the mouth? You think it’s because of hygiene?
See, a kiss can open up a well of emotions in you that you never knew existed. When lips lock, something begins to happen in the brain, there’s a pheromonal and sensory transmission to the brain. Some people have confessed to ‘having butterflies in their stomachs’ right after kissing someone.
Some people have gone through so many lips in a lifetime that they can’t tell the difference any more. Note that kissing someone you actually care about has a different effect. Perhaps that’s where the real magic is. Not in the act but in the heart.

In conclusion pals, kissing is an art taken on not by the best of artists; but by the best of hearts.

Mimi A. 2014