Wedding Jitters

The dressing room is charged with tension, the air crackling with energy. However, what we might not be able to tell at first instance; is the source of such energy.
Gathering in a corner; women arrayed in pink satin gowns surround the beautiful bride. Her name is Kike. Their hands grip each other’s in a solemn prayer of agreement and their faces exude sincerity and love as they reign blessings on the lady that is about to be wed… this daughter of Zion.
Nothing can go wrong. They pray.
Kike feels the tears rising within her as they pray…however, she can’t tell if they are tears of joy or otherwise. Suddenly she is nervous without reason. Her palms are now so sweaty from being clasped together tightly.
And like a flash, this question pops up in her mind…What if you’re about to make a mistake?
She pushes the thought away instantly, with little success. The nagging thought refuses to leave and suddenly she finds herself mulling over it…letting the thought linger long enough to worry her.
Will Tunde make her happy? What if he is a woman-beater like Nene’s husband?
No. She almost says it out loud. She’s known him for three years, courted him for two…she isn’t making a mistake. She can’t be.
“A healthy marriage…” The litanies go on.
The women are now taking turns to bless her. She decides to listen closely, hoping for some form of assurance.
“They will be blessed with beautiful children,” this comes from Tinuke; her chief bridesmaid.
“Sounds of laughter will fill their home.” This time it is Amanda; her colleague from work.
“A happy home,” Lola, the lovely make-up artist.
And as they speak, each pouring blessings from their souls; Kike feels her heart begin to calm…the fear alleviating slowly. And the questions she has in her heart getting answered.
“A marriage made in heaven.”
This time she looks up to see who just spoke. It is her sister, Morenike. Morenike who is two years younger but rarely acts it.
“The best couple ever. A union approved by God.” Morenike continues.
Kike cannot resist a smile. It sneaks up on her without her knowledge; lighting her features. Morenike is now standing beside her and without a word, she takes her sister’s hand and squeezes it…an indication that all will indeed be well- it is a singular act of affection that makes Kike blow up with love.
How can she marry the wrong man with these blessings being showered on her?


In another room, about two doors away; a similar deed is going on…this time the men surround Tunde the groom-to-be, placing hands on him; imparting grace as he begins his journey of marriage.
Heads bowed solemnly, their lips move and their voices echo the words that proceed from their innermost being.
In exactly an hour he will be joined to his bride, and while a part of him cannot wait for that magic moment when she’ll finally be his; a part of him is afraid that he’s made the wrong decision. As the litanies go on; he finds his mind straying and worrying about what would eventually become of that day.
Questions spring into his mind from all angles. Is he ready for marriage? Is Kike the one? Will she make him happy? What would their home be like? Happy or not? Is he willing to spend the rest of his life with one woman?
He takes a peek at the men praying for him. If only they know the tumult going on his mind… His eyes are drawn to the door- the only exit out of the room.
What if he runs out of here right now? Would he be doing the right thing? Would that be fair to Kike? He wonders if she’s as nervous as he is. Is she thinking of bolting like he is?
Is she wondering if she’s about to make a mistake?
He wishes he can peek into a crystal ball that would tell him what his future with her would be like. Not so bad eh?
He wonders if this is how all men got jittery on their wedding day.

“You aren’t thinking of running, are you?”
The question takes him by surprise. He jerks back to reality…and discovers that the prayers have ended. He’d been so engrossed in his thoughts that he’d been unaware of his surroundings.
He cracks a smile, albeit nervously. “I’m sorry. I have a lot on my mind.”
“It’s okay. We understand. But don’t think of disappearing on us. Or on her.” It’s Harry his best man who is talking.
“What if this is a mistake?” He blurts. “What if I regret it?”
“Everything in life is a risk, Tunde. Love is a risk. You chose to marry this woman…there must have been something about her that helped that decision.” Harry says.
There are sounds of affirmation from the other men.
“I don’t know what I was thinking. The thought of spending the rest of my life with one woman is a bit scary.” Tunde says with a sigh.
“But then again, she isn’t just a woman…she’s the woman,” Wise man Harry again.

And just like that, a picture of her smile creeps into his mind, the sound of her strong voice overrides every negative thought and he suddenly recalls the reason why she is “the one.”
A strange and welcoming peace settles over him. He’s calm and reassured that he’s about to do the right thing.
“Thanks a lot, I feel better,” he says. “Thanks guys. You’ve been a big help.”

And at that moment someone rushes inside with news.
“It’s time Tunde! Your presence is needed in the church!” The messenger pants.
Tunde feels the fear rising again, this time in the form of shit. He suppresses it. Now is no time to balk.
Nervousness has always had the ability to turn his belly. This time though, he wouldn’t give in to it.
He has a bride waiting.
And without a doubt he knows he’s ready to say “I do.”

(c) Mimi A.