My First Love

I know everyone is thinking this is yet another ‘love’ or ‘romance’ titbit; well trust me not to disappoint you. This is the story of the Greatest Romance ever. But in a way you least expect.
Many years ago, I made a life changing decision that I have not regretted any moment since then. I walked up to the altar and pledged my life to God forever. I was barely a teenager when I took this serious decision but deep down I knew I’d never want it any other way. I wanted this. Needed it.
What followed thereafter was a feeling of euphoria like never before. I felt like I was walking on air. I walked out from church that day with an enormous smile on my face and faith- larger- than- a- mustard seed in my heart. I felt like I could take on the world with the God inside me. I knew if any sick or demon-possessed person was brought my way, I would’ve healed them immediately, because I felt larger than life. I had the authority of heaven backing me. What’s to fear? I felt like I was one step away from heaven. It was a beautiful feeling.
Like it is after making such a decision, we were counselled, encouraged and advised on how to go about the rest of our lives. They reminded us that our lifestyle could not remain the same. No one would prescribe to you what to do and what not to do, let the Spirit on the inside of you lead you along as you live.
I knew there had to be an outward evidence of my inward decision. I was barely a teenager but I knew something most definitely had changed. The inexplicable joy in my heart was there, I felt like I was high on something beautiful- God’s amazing love. I didn’t speak in tongues then, but it didn’t stop me from talking to God or feeling close to him. I was ready to volunteer my time to tell people about Jesus. I wanted everyone to feel what I was feeling! I didn’t take a step without consulting the Holy Spirit, yes, His opinion mattered a whole lot than any other person’s did.

Today, many years later, I wonder how that bigger-than-mustard-seed faith dissolved into something barely visible. I wonder how and when I lost that amazing faith in my God, when I stopped remembering that the God in me is greater than whatever crap is in the world. Yes, I quoted the scripture often but I barely felt it. I rarely stopped to even believe it.

This isn’t my story alone, this is the story of many age-long believers, at least back then when we gave our lives to Christ we knew there had to be physical attributes; now no one cares about that. People walk to the altar and take that pledge and return outside without so much as changing their lifestyles. They feel grace is there to cover up our many faults. And of course it is, but shall we continue in sin that grace may abound?

Here are a few questions I want us to ponder on, questions about what happened to that first love.

-How did Scriptures lose their inimitable power and become mere anthems to us?
-When did we start believing that praying in tongues was what made us believers rather than just enjoying the beauty of God’s love?
-When did we start believing that it was standing up to give large donations to the church made us better Christians than helping a brother/sister in need?
-What happened to the widow’s mite theory?
-When did we start judging people instead of reaching out to preach to them, tell them about God’s love?
-When did we stop caring about how many minutes we spend on our knees with our Maker? Remember it isn’t quantity but quality that matters.
-When did we lose that fire that burned in our bones for the work of the kingdom?
-When did we forget that we were bought with a price, the most expensive of all?
-When did we forget that our bodies are the temple of God?
-When did we start caring more about our fancy dresses rather than the state of our hearts?
-When did we stop caring about each other and start gossiping about our faults?
-When did we start to bring down with our words and actions, our own beloved brethren?
-When did we stop believing in the power of God WITHIN us?
-When did we start thinking and acting like the world and forget that we are the salt of the earth?
-When did we start believing that muttering in watered down tongues is more important than spending time to hear what God has to say to us?
-When did we begin to care more about what people thought of us than what God says about us?
-When did we stop really caring about what God thinks about us?
-When did we start feeling it was okay to forsake the gathering of brethren just because we felt like it?
-When did we start feeling comfortable with sin and making excuses for our weaknesses?
-When did we start complaining about God instead of counting our blessings?
-What happened to that first love? That love that filled our hearts to the brim, that love that made us euphoric like newlyweds, that love that was too beautiful to describe?

Think back to that feeling and ask yourself if you don’t want it back. Remind yourself of how much you love God. One thing I do know, He misses you. He misses how much you needed Him back then and of course, He isn’t judging; His arms are wide open waiting for you to run into them again.
Will you?

By Mimi A

Author’s Note: This is more than just an article, this is from a heart that cares and understands what it means to have loved and lost the Greatest Love of your life.
Have a great Sunday all!